My Exposure to Traditional and New Media


Since the day we were born, we have seen and witnessed the development of media. As for me, I have made a timeline of my exposure to traditional and new media. If you want to see how I developed myself with the use of different media, here is the link of my personal timeline:


Internet of Things


Internet of things or IoT, for me, is the connection of different electronic devices, software, sensors and such and lets the exchange of data between these things possible and easier. It is a breakthrough that will continue to expand and will result to more efficient and accurate results in regard to the lives of humankind.

What brought this theory about?

The concept of smart devices being connected in a network was started as early as 1982. A modified Coke machine at Carnegie Mellon University became the first Internet-connected appliance that was able to report its inventory and whether the newly loaded drinks were cold. Mark Weiser's seminal 1991 paper on ubiquitous computing, "The Computer of the 21st Century", as well as academic venues such as UbiComp and PerCom produced the contemporary vision of IoT. Between 1993 and 1996 several companies proposed solutions like Microsoft's at Work or Novell's NEST. However, only in 1999 did the field start gathering momentum. The concept of the Internet of things became popular in 1999, through the Auto-ID Center at MIT and related market-analysis publications. The term "the Internet of things" was coined by Kevin Ashton of Procter & Gamble, later MIT's Auto-ID Center, in that same year.

My view on the concept of Internet of Things

I like the concept of IoT. By incorporating it into our daily lives, it will bring to us many advantages that we can never think of. It would help individuals, businesses and states or countries. Due to this innovation, mankind is now open to new possibilities with the help of machines. Even monitoring things without one's presence is now achievable because of this. What more when it continues to develop and grow? I think it is a powerful concept that is now brought to life. We should now just do our best to make it to our advantage as the most advanced living things on Earth.

Internet of Things in the Philippines

In Philippines, having the best technology is what most of the young adults want. Because of this, different wearables are now available and are now being used for different purposes. These wearables are small in size and can be worn easily by a user. They are being used for fitness, health, and entertainment. Because of IoT, smartphones can also now be detected through bluetooth and such connections which helps in the exchange of information in pictures, text and in other forms. These are just some situations regarding IoT that I encounter in my country. And no one can deny how these innovations can bring difference to how we live our life in the Philippines.

Evolution and Impact of Internet of Things in Filipino Society in the next 3 to 5 years

In the next 3 to 5 years, the health care system in Filipino Society would probably be more advanced and improved in a way that monitoring of vital signs would be easier more rapid than ever. IoT will also make the monitoring of security system at homes through smartphones available to a larger range of consumers. Let us not forget how the online banking system continues to improve and widen its extent. We can see these three examples as to how IoT will evolve and affect our society just like how it influenced the daily lives of the people of other developed countries. Our everyday work would be done more efficient, easier and faster. Nothing would be impossible through this and because of that, its impact to Filipino Society will make us into a more developed country.

Relationship of Internet of Things in Media and Information Literacy

IoT cannot exist without the media and information literacy. Everything that is applied to the innovation of Internet of Things is because of the people who were literate in media and information. Everything they have done is due to them learning different things and them being literate in these things. But we can also say this literacy won't progress without the help of IoT. In return, both things are progressing and it is now up to us if we are going to use them with the intention of doing something good or doing something bad and that's why our literacy in media and information should be given importance and significance.



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