Introduction to Media and Information Literacy

Media and Information Literacy (0001)

We provided a weekly interaction log with media and information providers. We also answered questions in connection with the table we made and the concepts such as media literacy.

Weekly Information Log with Media and Information Providers

Which media provider did you spent the most time?
        I spent most of my time in Kissasian.      

What roles does the media play in your lives?
       Media's roles in my life are leisure (watching dramas and videos), learning and communication.

Define media literacy.
         Media literacy is a measure on how one can use and understand media correctly and appropriately. One is literate in media when he knows the concept of media and how it is run depending on its purpose.


Evaluation (Assignment)

In your opinion, what makes an individual literate in media and information? What activities/habits do you practice which illustrate media and information literacy? Give at least three examples.

        An individual is literate in media and information if he knows and shows effectively what is the use of information and media in his everyday life. An individual should not just be able to understand the functions of these but rather, one should also be able to evaluate and criticize these things in order to create and to share to others both media and information responsibly.

        Some activities of mine that illustrate media and information literacy are...  

        1) Using my cellphone and searching for information about class suspensions; When I check for class suspensions, I always make sure that the information is valid. That is the only time I can also share it to other people, especially to my classmates through Messenger and Twitter.         

        2) Using my laptop for research assignments; Information only coming from reliable sites are always what I only use whenever I go to Google. After this, I also create synthesis from what I read and share it to my close classmates in order to have a discussion.

        3) Using my computer to read articles and watch videos; I always evaluate if they are just full of lies and are not true. If that is the case, I post in social media sites to inform other people of how this is an example of fake news.


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