
Showing posts from November, 2017

Types of Media

Media and Information Literacy (0007) Types of Media Definitions Print Media Media which uses paper . It involves printing information with the use of ink to produce copies. Broadcast Media Media wherein one is talking or there is sound coming from it just like television. New Media Media that is digital and developed with latest technology of mankind. Media Convergence Synthesis New technology has led to the convergence of traditional and new media by allowing traditional to be transformed to new media. This is what allows the convergence between the two. Because of this, information spreads faster and they can also be accessed easier than ever. Media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction since there will be a larger and broader target audience because of the convergence. The information created and published will be shared faster to more people which will then interact with other people. This shows how media conv

Information Literacy (Laboratory)

Media and Information Literacy (0006) "Knowledge is power" Having knowledge about anything is the key to having power to share, to influence and to make one's life informed. Being knowledgeable will give you the chance to be educated with your decisions and actions. It will also prevent you from being ignorant about many things. That's why having knowledge will give you the power to change your life and other's lives for the better. How does information become knowledge? Information becomes knowledge when we process and use this in our life . We should apply the information we get to our everyday life in order for it to become knowledge and for it to become useful and practical in different circumstances. State the importance of giving credit to the source of one's work Giving credit to the source of one's work is important because it just means you are respecting his thought and ideas as his intellectual property .

Information Literacy (Lecture)

Media and Information Literacy (0005) Most Influential Person We were asked to share who is the most influential person in our lives. I answered it with the following information below. Who?      Rhodora L. Abunales    What?  (what is my relationship to her?)              She is my mother . She is the one who have taken care of me since I was born. Where?   (where did you meet her?)     I met her in her womb. She was the one who had given birth to me and because of that, she is someone who I always see at our home. When? (when did you realize that she is the most influential person to you?)   I realized that she is the most influential person to me since I was a child . I always look up to her and follow her actions and decisions. Why? (why her?)   I consider her as the most influential person to me because since the day that I was born, she has been the one who always make sure I am feeling well, doing well and behaving the good wa

My Exposure to Traditional and New Media

MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY (0004) Since the day we were born, we have seen and witnessed the development of media. As for me, I have made a timeline of my exposure to traditional and new media. If you want to see how I developed myself with the use of different media, here is the link of my personal timeline: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet of Things Source: media/ File:Internet_of_Things.jpg Internet of things or IoT , for me, is the connection of different electronic devices, software, sensors and such and lets the exchange of data between these things possible and easier. It is a breakthrough that will continue to expand and will result to more efficient and accurate results in regard to the lives of h

The Evolution of Traditional to New Media

Media and Information Literacy (0003) We were presented of different kinds of media in different ages or periods starting from pre-industrial age up until information age. We were tasked to write what we know in this kind of table: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assignment Given the available media that we now have in the world, what are its roles and functions in a democratic society? Its roles and functions are the following...                                                                  1.  It gives us a chance to communicate with other people so that we can share what we want to, especially information.              2.  It also reveals the corrupt system of any organization especially our government. We are able to criticize them through the available media we have today.                                                   3.  It also lets us

Media and Information Design Framework

Media and Information Literacy (0002) We were told to imagine what article would we create if we were journalists. I imagined myself as someone who is fond of cooking and baking foods. I made a media and information design framework for my article by answering this matrix: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We were also tasked by group to give a misconception about anything connected to media and information literacy. Our group chose the concept of media literacy and here is what we thought: We thought that information literacy is only about the ability to use different media platforms to gather information. But as we read the definition mentioned in the presentation, we learned that it is not just about the use and access to media to gather information but rather it is also the act of evaluating, criticizing and creating media in any form. 

Introduction to Media and Information Literacy

Media and Information Literacy (0001) We provided a weekly interaction log with media and information providers. We  also answered questions in connection with the table we made and the concepts such as media literacy. Weekly Information Log with Media and Information Providers Which media provider did you spent the most time?          I spent most of my time in Kissasian.        What roles does the media play in your lives?         Media's roles in my life are leisure (watching dramas and videos), learning and communication. Define media literacy.            Media literacy is a measure on how one can use and understand media correctly and appropriately. One is literate in media when he knows the concept of media and how it is run depending on its purpose. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evaluation (Assignment)